Monday, October 18, 2010

The School of Life- Essaouira

One of the perks of being a teacher: vacations and fall breaks. Especially when you can travel to exotic locations for cheap. As October was a rough month at school, the four day weekend we just had was especially needed. So a group of us decided to head to southern Morocco to a beautiful beach town named Essaouira, or for us the most peaceful place on the planet.

Our clan of 7 rented two cars and left early Friday morning to brave the crazy Casablanca traffic and escape the city. Jodee drove our petite car, and Nina drove the other, a nice olive green car that we named Pepe. We had a very useful TomTom at our disposal so we were out on the road shortly after 9. We had a couple of mix ups but otherwise easy traveling. We took a coastal road and wound all the way down, stopping in several awesome cities along the way. We stopped in Oualidia which is a quiet town on the beach where we enjoyed a nice lunch.

We went to Safi, a place where ancient pottery is made and we even got to tour the factory. The way they soften the clay is to let it sit in water for hours, then make a giant slab on the ground, which is then kneaded by a boy jumping around barefoot for quite a while. Let's just say I would have gladly taken his place, it looked like so much fun. After that we completed the drive and arrived in Essaouira, the place I will dream about from now on.

Essaouira was originally Portuguese, and it has a beautiful medina and harbor which reflects the architecture of that time. Our hotel was actually in the medina, but it overlooked the ocean which was wonderful. We got there around dinner time on Friday, and we decided to find a good place to eat. Well we found a good place for food, not so much for the service. We ended up spending over 2 hours waiting for food, and as we were sitting on couches we all were in serious danger of falling asleep at the table. When we finally got back to our place we just crashed as we were exhausted.

The next day we walked all around the medina and got plenty of nicknacks and decorative pieces to help our asylum white walls in our apartments. But the best part of the day by far was the camel ride. We went to the beach and rode camels for an hour, along the surf line as the waves crashed in. It was peaceful and entertaining at the same time. It's wierd how I never realized how TALL camels really were until I was on top of one. Also when they sit down you are pitched forward at almost a 90 degree angle. But they were fun and also meant I could cross them off my list of exotic animals to ride. Elephant in South Africa, Ostrich in South Africa, Camel in Morocco. Next I'm on to a wooly mammoth.

Saturday night we found a nice restaurant with a great owner who was very accomodating. In fact as we sat around dinner we realized just how amazingly nice the people were in this city. We had been invited to several private parties just because the people wanted to spend time with us. As we talked to some of these guys, they kept discussing "the school of life." In Morocco school isn't required as it is in the US, which means that families that need their children to work to survive put education on the back burner. But more people spoke English in Essaouira than i have met in Casa. Anyways these guys really put in perspective the fact that if you have a good head, and a good heart than thats all you need in life. They were extremely happy people and were so gracious to us. They made the trip that much more amazing.

Our last day was one for relaxing as we had been active most of the weekend. The best part of the whole weekend was when we took advantage of the rooftop terrace overlooking the ocean. We grabbed some wine, I Dj-ed some nice quiet music and we watched the astounding sunset. You know you are in perfect company when you can just sit quietly for hours enjoying the beauty of life. We all had our own worries, our own struggles that we left behind this weekend and this moment was the culmination of a much needed weekend. To sit and look at the ocean as the sun descended, it just made everything else seem so small.

Lately I have been stressed trying to figure out what my future holds for me. I know, I just got here, but with international teaching they hire in January. I have been trying to figure out if I want to apply to more international schools, or if I want to spend some more time in Colorado. It is hard when you have to leave your friends and family behind to pursue your dreams. It creates a pull towards home. I love what I am doing now, but it can be lonely on a day to day basis. At home you have friends, family and the independence to go your own way. I haven't found a place in Casa where I can retreat, or anywhere to take myself on a date.

Sitting and staring at the sun made all this disappear. Wherever my path leads me, I know it will be an amazing opportunity. Let it be. A great phrase that really expresses my need to calm down and just enjoy the moment. To not stress while I am here about where I'll be next year.

Recently I was reading a book that was a collection of personal narratives about love. There was one from a man who stayed by his wife's side while she struggled with a terrible injury for over 18 years. She was finally cured, and one day they hiked (they live in Idaho Springs) up a mountain and just cried because of the beauty of life. He expressed this feeling of peace. When I was sitting there I felt that exact feeling.

Its amazing how certain moments in life just make you remember instances and memories that are similiar. I was brought back to a night almost two years ago exactly, when I was sitting on a patio overlooking the ocean in Wilderness, South Africa. I had amazing friends with me (Karie, Leigh, Sam) and we were just awestruck by the beauty of the stars clashing with the waves. I remember thinking that moment was one of the best in my life for many reasons: I was lucky enough to be living an adventure that most people can only dream of, I had amazing friends in my life both there and back home in Colorado, I had a supportive family that I am blessed to be so close with, and I knew what I desired for my life.

Last night was deja vu with that moment. And in realizing that it makes all of the small stuff that I worry about just wash away like the waves. I know that if I continue to pursue my dreams I will lead an amazing life. Of course it can be a solitary road, but when you have great friends and family like I do they are always a Skype away. This weekend was perfect, I couldn't ask for better company, place or memories. Of course there will soon be awesome pictures to accompany.

After our sunset we had a hilarious night in drinking, playing cards, and enjoying time with some new friends we made there. I had my forture told (not very well) but it was hilarious anyways. Apparently I am coming into lots of money soon, which means I can bring you all out to visit me!

Coming back to Casa was sad but I will definitely make it back to Essaouira before I leave next summer. It is truly a place of peace. Which I can never have too much of these days.

1 comment:

  1. Hi! My name is Jessica & I stumbled upon your blog. I'm coming to morocco in March--the 13th to the 23rd and I'm doing a project on english language schools/teachers! I'd love to speak with you further about your work. I'm a current university student, and I'm doing this as an independent study.

    I'd really appreciate it if you could e-mail me:

    All the best,

