Sunday, February 20, 2011

Viva Revolution- The Egypt Affect

When looking back at history we have the hindsight to see how significant events were sparked and how they grew into what we find in our history books today. However in the present day we rarely realize how significant events can turn out to be, which is the case with what has now become front page news for weeks.
What now has become a ripple effect spreading through all the Arab world began with a Tunisian man trying to sell fruits and vegetables to support himself and his family. When he had his produce confiscated and then he himself was beaten by police forces, he turned to suicide to truly demonstrate his agony. This simple event sparked what has now caused Tunisia's king to flee, as well as the history altering protests that have changed Egypts government as well. As of right now over 8 nations have seen anti-government protests with the most violent escalating in Libya. Now the world waits to see at what point the protests will end and how many new governments will be building their foundations.

Living in Morocco as the world changes signficantly is an amazing thing to experience. However few ripples have been felt here in Casablanca, it is still amazing to see how and why some of these revolutions have started. Morocco did schedule it's first protests today, but they were seen as a movement to draw attention to changes needed in governmental policies rather than in the King. In my opinion it seems as though Moroccans are happy with their current leader and his work towards getting his country to be developed and on the map economically. One of the biggest issues seen is the lack of available jobs for those who hold college degrees who aren't allowed to seek jobs internationally because of strict visa regulations.

We have many fellow teachers who have returned to their positions in Egypt, or who never even left. They continue to work towards educating those students who might even have a hand in the new democratic government. Which is after all what we teachers do; we educate those who are the future of the world, who will continue to change the history books for generations to come.

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