Tuesday, August 31, 2010

First Day of School Ritual

Every year since I was little there has always been a first day of school, a day of new "back to school clothes" and new classes, seeing old friends and teachers. I have had the same ritual for almost 17 years, yet my days as a student are now over. Waking up yesterday, I realized that from now on I will have a different sort of first day of school. This involves preparing for the students, getting myself organized, and learning dozens of very difficult student names.

This past week I spent a lot of time getting to know my department, which only contains 4 plus me. This is significantly different from the English department at Chap which had over 25. The department here however small doesn't lack in terms of personality and enthusiasm, which means it's a pretty darn good fit. I have had the chance to be involved in developing curriculum and setting up classrooms. Plus lots of making photocopies which I don't mind so much as I get to dance around the copy room listening to music. Which was a funny sight to the many people who walked in on me jamming out to some 3oh!3.

My job as an intern isn't really clearly defined except for the rule that we are the substitutes when teachers call out. Other than that this experience is what I make of it, so I intend to get very involved and gain the experience needed for my own classroom next year.

A little info on my school: It is an IB prepatory school which means that students have the most rigorous curriculum that I have seen in high schools. Of course there are IB schools in the States, but usually they involve a two track system where kids have the option to be on the IB track or just to recieve a regular diploma. But here the kids are required to be IB so if they aren't on track they can be asked to not return the following year. It is pretty intense. Also these students are fluent in Arabic and French, but are learning English through their interaction in this school. The good news is that the students are proficient at speaking English by the time they are in the upper school grades. The bad news is that they sit and chitchat in French during class and you have no idea what they are saying. They are very smart kids, and are very fortunate as well. Their parents can pay for the most expensive education around, so they do have a sense of entitlement. One of the most jarring things for me is that at the end of the day they gather around a fountain and socialize while the guards call their name when their drivers arrive to pick them up. Yes, drivers. For the younger students most likely there is a nanny involved as well. It is a very wealthy population which you definitely realize when they whip out their Ipads in class. But they have great manners so far.

It is the second day of school and I am just getting used to the students and classes. I am participating in classes from 8th grade to 11th grade IB. Learning all of their very Arabic sounding names will take time because right now I butcher them for sure. One of the English teachers who is a prankster has decided to spread the rumor that I am the heir to Google, and that I am here out of a selfless need to help the youth of the world. It's pretty funny.

It's amazing that this kids can learn anything as they are fasting for Ramadan. That means we are sitting in 110 degree weather (last week there was a high of 117) without drinking water or eating anything. I admire their determination and dedication to what they believe in. I'm pretty sure most Christians or Catholics I know could not do the same. And without complaints.

I have been designated the soccer coach for the Boy's soccer program! EEk!! I offered to be the assistant coach but due to lack of help I was promoted. Let's just say the boys in my classes think it's hilarious that I am their coach. But I do know from experience that the most important parts of soccer include the ability to run for a long time so they will be doing lots of running in the beginning for sure. As for the rest of it, that's what Google is for right? Haha

As for our personal lives, I am just getting into a routine. We are going surfing every Saturday which is great because we get a day to relax after a long hot week. The old staff has been very welcoming and they are just as fun loving as the newbies. Lots of parties and traveling! I have been too busy to be homesick which is good. I need to do some decorating in my apartment to make it more home but other than that its good. I have been doing lots of reading which is so nice after years of having to read for assignments and school. Life is starting to be regular and I'm finding a nice place to fit in. Adapting gets easier each time you settle in somewhere new, and I am so thankful for my experiences in South Africa that make this a smoother transition.

Life is good, and I am finding my niche. I miss home but I am so excited for this to be my life. I fit the international life well, and I love exploring a culture so foreign to me. It makes your life just so much more interesting. Just like the first day of school ritual, I am adapting my life to this new part, and loving the good and the bad. That's just what life is.

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