So I have made it to my home! After 2 days of travel and some mix up with my baggage, I have never been happier to set up and explore.
I have met the other new staff, all of whom are awesome and super fun to explore with. Yesterday we were picked up from the airport and made our way to what is called the Bluebird. It is the school bus we will be taking from our apartments to school and back everyday. Let me just say that I got stuck in the back on one of the trips and it made me very sore and could potentially be dangerous to my health. From the airport we divided into smaller cars so we could be dropped at home, so I went with the Director of the school. Immediately after we left the airport, he was pulled over by the police. Being pulled over in the states you think flashing lights in your rear view mirror. Not so much here. The police hide in the median and gun your speed, then step out in front of your "speeding vehicle" in hopes that you stop. Sounds somewhat dangerous to be a policeman. Our director didn't get in trouble, but it was a hilarious experience to have. I was dropped at my apartment which is a 3 bedroom with a large kitchen and living room. I found a room and waited for my luggage to be dropped off, only to never receive it. So when the bus picked us up I was still in the same clothes of 2 days... ew
We had a walking tour of the school which is very nice and WARM. There is no air conditioning in Morocco so this will be interesting for a girl used to no humidity and cooled houses. As we were touring I did find my luggage, which the workers had taken there as they didn't know where I lived? Oh well at least I could change!! We had a nice barbeque/meet and greet at the director's house and ate some great food, unfortuntely no couscous yet. I think I was misunderstood at how much they eat couscous here. Sad day.
As I had a nap earlier, I was rearing to go by the time we got back to our apartments, so I met one of the other interns Aaron at the local Twin Towers (I will take a picture soon) to walk around. So I have learned tons about this culture in the past 2 days. First, Ramadan runs things for a month and turns the city upside down. Ramadan is a religious experience for the Muslim culture where they fast from sunup to sundown until the prayer is sounded and they can participate in Ftour. It is a time of intense dedication to their religion, and so they can identify with the less fortunate that they will donate to at the end of Ramadan. This means that at around 5, the shops close, everyone goes home increasing the crazy traffic, and the streets are abandoned by 7:20 when they pray and break fast. They then eat for HOURS!! As we walked around people were starting to come out after their first meal of Ftour, and the city came alive. Restaurants that were closed all day brim with people, and stores are open for lots of shopping to be done. We sat on Aaron's patio (since I am one of the only people without a balcony ) and watched the city. I got to people watch the family down below as they ate several meals and enjoyed each other's company until at least past 1.
As we sat outside and enjoyed some nice cold barley pops which Aaron's parents had left for him before they moved from Casa, I experienced just how much things change for Ramadan. We suddenly heard enormous cheers from the direction of the football stadium. We didn't really think anything of it, almost wondering if it had to do with Ramadan. But by the end of the night we realized they had a football match at midnight!!! Afterwards there was a parade for the victor and enormous cheers. I have never seen so much passion for a sport so late at night. It was amazing, and I fully intend to attend one of this night games soon.
We walked back to my apartment around 1:30 and the city was amazingly awake. So many women were out walking around with friends as they had been cooking inside all day for Ftour. I was in awe, I think Casa during Ramadan is serious competition for Vegas, minus the alcohol.
Today we had a meeting at school and then went to the Walmart of Casa: Marjane shopping center. We had to get local cell phones to communicate with each other because it is seriously hard to plan anything without them. The previous night we had to set a time and meeting place and hope to find each other as we didn't know exactly how to get to each other's apartments. They are spread around the center of the city (the Twin Towers next to where I live). We didn't have time for much else as the cell phone place took so long, but I am now in connection with the world as I have a local cell phone and internet!! I have a USB internet that I pay for every two months. It is unlimited minutes of internet which is awesome as I remember paying way too much for internet in South Africa.
Tonight we had a walking tour of our neighboorhoods so we figured out how to get to each other's houses, the grocery store, etc. I am located in the best location for all places, as they most I walk to get to someone's house is 10 minutes, and the grocery store is a block away. That is important as we don't have cars to get groceries from Point A to B. I am currently waiting while everyone has Ftour so we can go out and get dinner and walk around this wonderful night city. I have a feeling I won't be sleeping early any night soon. There is just so much to see before school starts and we actually have work to do.
Tomorrow we are going to the Grand Mosque so I need my most conservative clothes. We will be able to take pictures so I will take some of the Mosque, my apartment and neighborhood. I am really liking it here, and I am getting used to the culture. It is wierd to deal with the extreme double standards for women, such as me covering up with a scarf but some guy dropping trousers right in front of me to pee in the busiest street downtown. Interesting. But I think that it is a great experience to live in such a different place and see a new world.
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